Sunday 4 April 2010

Catholics, Kissing and Calls to calm.

Hmm, if I keep using alliteration in the titles of these, I'm gonna run out of news.

So what do we have today. Well a few things have caught my eye.

Firstly, Dr Rowan Williams (archbishop of Canterbury) has been forced to apologise after stating the catholic church has lost all credibility over the latest scandals. Well first off, lets be fair this is not news the only thing difference now, when compared to a year ago say, is that they are admitting it. But this is a church who's direct connection to god, has declared that condoms are causing aids in Africa, is blatantly homophobic and is about as in touch with the real world as the halleys comet. In 1983 Monty Python released the Meaning of life, containing a song called "every sperm is sacred" a blatant mockery of the Catholics beliefs on contraception. Personally I think the only thing the good Dr should be apologising for is telling us something that most people realised a long time ago.

Two Britons convicted of kissing in public in Dubai, breaking there somewhat zealous decency laws have failed to appeal against there one month sentence. Now don't get me wrong, I think the law is outdated and ludicrous, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do. This is another case of people going abroad and thinking themselves more civilised than the culture they are visiting. I don't give a damn how backwards you think the place is, if the law is there you follow it, and if you get caught breaking it then you take the punishment. Oh but I'm from Britain and when they see our enlightened ways they will bow to us, no no your a idiot, now buck up and take the punishment for your crime.

So a white supremacist has been beaten to death, boo hoo, the world just got that little bit better. I don't mean to trivialise these things, and I'm sure its very sad for his family, but the guy was a bastard. Terre'blanche was responsable for acts of violance and terror across south africa, he had only just himself come out of prison for beating a black man. So today the world has one less asshole. Lets just hope this is not seen as a trigger for any more violence

On a slightly related note, the BNP have sacked their publicity chief, on the ground that he was trying to kill Nick Griffin. Damit could have been 2 for 2 on the dead racists stakes today...

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